Apply now: Win a trip to Les 2 Alpes

[heading]Apply now: Win a trip to Les 2 Alpes[/heading]This summer, our friends in the riding community in Les 2 Alpes are inviting a small delegation of WORCA members for an all-expenses-paid riding trip to France to participate in the Mountain of Hell. The trip is from June 27th until July 3rd and is part of an exchange program between our mountain communities. The goal of this partnership is to share our knowledge and experience in mountain biking, to make both of our communities stronger.Anyone with both a valid WORCA membership and Trail Supporter status is eligible to win this super radical trip.Here's how:Submit an application that explains why you are the best person to represent WORCA community as an ambassador in France. It can be an essay, a video, an impressive record of attendance at Trail Days, or maybe an epic story of what the Whistler mountain bike community means to you. Frig, could be a poem if that’s how you best express yourself!The only constraint for applications is that they must be delivered by email, to by May 4th at 5:00pm.CONTEST DETAILS:Application Deadline: MAY 4, 2018, 5:00pm.Must be a registered WORCA member and Trail Supporter to apply.Haven’t got your Membership or Trail Supporter? Buy them here.MOUNTAIN OF HELL DETAILS: ITINERARY:June 27: Whistler delegation arrives at Les 2 Alpes for cocktails, welcome meal and to meet the press.June 28: Resort visit and explore on the glacierJune 29 to July 1 : Mountain of Hell 2018July 2-3 : A night at the refuge of Muzelle and discovery of the Ecrins National ParkJuly 3 : Closing eveningGood Luck!