Letter From The President

[heading]Letter From The President: Plea for Vollie Trail Day Participation[/heading]Hello WORCA members,First of all, welcome to another season. This one is exciting given it's WORCA's 25th anniversary. We will have a great party at Dusty's to celebrate this milestone with a special XC race and lots of fun events. Toonie rides, youth programs and special events are also all planned out for the season, thanks to our awesome WORCA board of directors.Generally, I don't pipe up too much, rather let things go with the flow. However, WORCA members, we have something to discuss. It is time to step it up in the trails department!First a great big thank you to the 10 people who showed up for the first trail day, this is greatly appreciated. That turn out is down 60% from last year.I thought people were feeling the biking season early this year and with that comes the responsibility to our trails.WORCA has great plans and opportunities to develop new trails. Volunteer days are part of the strategy we employ to get the job done quickly and more efficiently to order to stretch the funds. Vollie Trail Days are part of every biking club and community's trail program. In the Sea to Sky, Vancouver Island and Washington State the average number of volunteers is 60 per session. This makes our members quite weak in this department.It's nice we are blessed with a great trail program promoted within our local community, but we are not where we would like to be for project funding. So WORCA is challenging members to come out for at least one trail day this season and help develop our network. Imagine what would get accomplished if each one of our 1800 members would join a couple days throughout the season. A group like ours could build two alpine trails in no time at all.Secondly, if the wrists are too weak to do physical labor, and are being saved to ride the fancy mountain bike, a donation would indefinably be in order to fund your wishlist. Feel free to come up with donations and sponsors if time does not allow your presence at a trail day.But really, if you have time to ride you have time for trail days. Trail days have been in existence as long as Toonie rides and these are also social and deliver beverages.So all you Toonie riders, locals, racers, pro-photographers and anyone who likes to comment about the trails, come on out and do your part. Besides the right to talk about trails it also gets you more trail riding options.WORCA may be the best mountain bike association in the world in many fronts, come out and learn something about the trail side of things and let's work towards that goal.Everyone have a fun and safe biking season.Sincerely,Jerome David