Get to know the Board


Dale Mikkelsen


Construction and Development Management.

Describe your position/role:

El Presidente - this is my second term and I’m pretty stoked that the membership has supported my time in this role.  I hope to be a figure-head for the organisation that represents our membership as best we can, while also delivering on our mandates for trail maintenance, trail construction, youth programming, event programming, and stakeholder advocacy. Ideally I’ll be able to work with our committed Board of Directors and our awesome staff team to, not only keep WORCA going as a leading Trail Association, but also to build on our successes, recognise our short-comings, and bring creative change and innovation to add to our inclusivity. I think we’ve made big strides in the past 3 years, with increased Fee For Service funding from the RMOW, adding 2 great new events to our roster, and navigating the COVID-experience.  I really look forward to summer 2022 and hopefully getting back to “live” Toonies, more opportunities to come together, and the new construction of a couple of long-envisioned trails.

Years of experience on the Board? 

3 going on 4 as President.

Why did you join the Board? 

I really feel that WORCA does an amazing job and comes from an amazing heart. That said, I also saw many ways that WORCA could do a better job of meeting its mandate and creating positive change in the community, while building a stronger organization. I also wanted to help provide the opportunity to grow inclusivity, increase camp enrollment, and work with the Province and RMOW to find ways to support trail development in a meaningful way.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Tough one! I have favourite trails and trails that I ride the most. They are often the same thing, but sometimes they are not. I guess in 2021, I found a lot of love for Pura Vida and Danimal South as a combo. This was proven by both the amount I’ve ridden these trails and the smiles they put on my face. I’ve also got a massive soft-spot for Foreplay, and am particularly stoked about some of the “modernizations” we’re seeing on a classic.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

How passionate our Board and members are about riding bikes.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Generally a post-ride beer, unless it’s my morning coffee at home from local roaster and all around awesome people - Hammer Roasting.

Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

The Back 40.  Our Events Director, Quinn, did a bang-up job on getting this together in the face of COVID. A memorable course, a memorable day, and an event that should grow year-over-year to earn its spot as the new “NIMBY 50”, which is a huge reputation that WORCA has stepped in to carry forward.


Omer Dagan


WB Snow School & Business Development.

Describe your position/role

Vice-President. The VP position has a lot of flexibility, and the priorities of the role changes from year to year and depending on the person holding the title. Practically speaking, this means supporting other Directors with their portfolios, and devoting time to a broad range of projects/initiatives. As I have a background in political science, I’ve devoted a significant portion of my time to the governance and policies of the organization. The VP of course also serves to support Trevor (Executive Director) and WORCA in the President’s absence.

Years of experience on the Board? 

5 years. 3 as Secretary and now 2 as VP.

Why did you join the Board? 

Riding bikes in the woods is an incredible privilege, and I feel thankful to live somewhere people dream of biking. Joining the Board was a way to show appreciation for my good fortune, and to help create the best possible experience for more mountain bikers in our community and from elsewhere.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

1. High Society. It was the first double black in Whistler that I managed to connect all the pieces together on. It holds a special place in my heart because I worked for so long to “unlock” that trail. 2. Any trail that ends at a park, a lake, or with ice-cream. Having two young kids on bikes has changed my perspective of what’s “fun” about going out for a ride.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

That it means different things to different people, but always comes down to loving bikes. 

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Coffee. Always coffee.

Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

Seeing The Back Forty come to fruition. Kudos to Quinn for pulling it off! Riding the Pemby 50 and getting to feel both fantastic, and then like complete garbage, within the span of 5 minutes, over and over throughout the day. 


Moira-Ann Handford


Part-time Controller for Coast Mountain Brewing.

Describe your position/role

Treasurer is a mandatory board position, responsible for financial oversight. So I basically review anything financial that WORCA takes on, as well as ensuring we are in compliance with any government regulations that impact our financial situation. Of course, Trevor, our ED, is also an accountant, so he makes my job very easy.

Years of experience on the Board? 

This is my third year.

Why did you join the Board? 
I am a big believer in volunteers making the world go around, especially when it comes to sport. I am also a big believer in giving back to organizations or communities who have supported me.
Our family has benefited so much from the amazing trail network in Whistler, and will continue to do so for many years. 

So it was a no-brainer for me to volunteer with WORCA. As a CPA, I figure I can bring the most value to the Treasurer role, though I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty at trail building nights, or have an opinion on anything that comes up at the Board level that requires some discussion!

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Yummy to Foreplay and Chipmunk Rebellion.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

The passion that everyone involved has for the trails and our riding community. The professionalism that everyone brings to the Board as well as the organization itself. I love to volunteer but I hate having my time wasted on inefficient boards or meetings. With Trevor as ED and Dale as El Presidente, WORCA is an extremely well run entity that I’m happy to give my time to for many years to come. 

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Beer (Coast Mountain Beer, shameless plug for my employer), and chips, always chips. 

Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

Endless sunshine.


Kayla Dodson


Sport Scientist with Canadian Sport Institute Pacific working with Alpine Canada.

Describe your position/role

I am the Secretary for the Board. Although I take the notes, I hope to bring ideas, leadership and diversity to the Board and the organization. I will aim to contribute ideas such as the Women’s Dig Nights (click for a recap from last summer) and support the ideas of others to promote, sustain and develop cycling and all that it encompasses in the community. 

Years of experience on the Board? 

Rookie year!

Why did you join the Board? 

I found myself showing up at every dig night on Tuesday and getting to know the deep-rooted members of the cycling community and how wonderful and passionate everyone is. Much like everyone else, I love riding my bike and I wanted to give back to something that brings me so much joy, and be around people who feel the same way. I think WORCA does an amazing job at creating many events and programs suited for everyone and I am a huge advocate for inclusivity and wanted a chance to further push this and for other people to feel empowered to join or try something they may have never tried or been nervous to try before. 

Two favourite Whistler trails?

Favourite lap will always be the neighbourhood lap - Heavy Flow to Hindsight to Lower Tunnel Vision. Now that I can ride it, am I allowed to say A Line?

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

That we can talk about trails and bikes as in-depth as a snowpack mid-winter.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Nothing like a post-ride beer and a some chips.

Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

The Back Forty and Mother Nature blessing us with little smoke this year.


Kat Pohran


Marketing Manager - I work primarily on the consulting side, as well as dabbling in event operations.

Describe your position/role

In my Race Director role, I’m responsible for making sure that you, riders, are having a great time in friendly* competition on a week-by-week basis! I work with our awesome sponsors to put you on varying trail types, enjoy an awesome après, and win sweet prizes :)
*friendly is subjective

Years of experience on the Board? 

First one!

Why did you join the Board? 

I’m pretty new to the whole biking scene, but really loved the community that welcomed me in. I felt this would be a great way to give back.

Two favourite Whistler trails?

I love a quick lap of Second Hand to Fever Cat, and I also really enjoy Kill Me Thrill Me (I can feel the judgement from here).

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

The commitment to development (planning, building, maintaining) a network for people to ride their bikes on.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer?

Can I book-ends these? Book-ends.

Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

I rode my first Enduro in absolutely terrible weather so I know it can only get better from there.


Quinn Lanzon


Marketing guy at OneUp Components.

Describe your position/role

Most of my time and energy goes towards the Back Forty. It took two years to finally get the first event off the ground, due to COVID, but I feel like we’ve got a good event that will continue to grow. Our first edition was a success, raising around $7,000 for the trails. We hope to grow that number, improve the race experience and deliver a much improved après experience for 2022.

Years of experience on the Board? 

Been on the board since 2017.

Why did you join the Board? 

The first time I attended the WORCA AGM they were looking for a new PR Director. No one in the audience raised their hand so I volunteered and it kind of went from there. I’d only been living in Whistler full time for 6 months at that point.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Dark Crystal and A Line.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

The mix of people on the board leads to thoughtful discussion and different points of view. This year, I think we’re pretty close to having gender parity on the board, too, which is exciting. 

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Coffee at all times. Beer on special occasions.

Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

For the first time in my 20 year mountain biking life I was able to find a bike that fits. It changed everything. We also had a baby. He’s the best!

To read more about Quinn, and his epic 2500km bike ride to the Northwest Territories (in 11 days!), see this fun interview by our friends, and WORCA sponsors, Origin Outside.


Scott Veach


Grand Poobah at ShapeShifter Tool Co.

Describe your position/role:

Trails Director. Primarily responsible for organizing the volunteer trail nights and being involved in all of the important discussions and decisions relating to trails.

Years of experience on the Board?

Ages and ages. Going on my 2nd year!

Why did you join the Board?

It all boils down to community. I love Whistler and its world renowned trail network. Of course I want to give back with my time and experience, but I really enjoy playing a part in developing and maintaining a well thought out trail network that is going to last for generations. Going to the volunteer trail nights helped me meet some of my favourite people in town who enjoy trail building as much as I do, and I really want to have an impactful role on growing that aspect of our culture.

Two favourite Whistler trails?

I get hunger pangs for Dirt Merchant this time every year, and I’ll give everyone 1 guess what my other fave is.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

It is a well organized unit full of very passionate and talented people that are open to feedback and new ideas. Ultimately we want to build trail, ride bikes and build community. How could you not like that!?

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer?

Mmmm coffee…. Mmmm beer.

Best part of the 2021 riding season?

I enjoy building trails (almost) more than riding, so when Tim Reagan asked me if I’d like to start ShapeShifter Trail Tools with him, you can probably guess my answer was 100% absolutely yes!
It’s a new endeavor starting a business with products that are locally made here in the Sea to Sky, but I couldn’t be happier or more in my element.
There’s going to be a lot of exciting things in the future for 2022, and I can’t wait for this crusty layer of snow to melt so I can do some product testing!

Who wants to complete Flashback trail this year? I know I do!!

To read a fantastic feature on Scott, and the building of Dark Crystal, check out this PinkBike article.

Photo above: @mikegamble


Val Chan


Mountain bike guide/coach in the summer for Arbutus Routes (her Arbutus bio here). This winter I’ve been working as an Educational Assistant, and front desk at Back in Action Physiotherapy on weekends. But in previous seasons, I was known as the “Flaik girl” for WB Ski School.

Describe your position/role

Director of Advocacy – previously, a lot of work has been focused around campaigning for greater support from local and provincial government to support our trails and programs. One of my aims this season is to see WORCA continue to grow and be welcoming to those new to the sport, Whistler or outside our riding community. Many of us have been here a few seasons, and have a crew of friends to ride with. We can forget how intimidating the sport can be for new riders, who don't know anyone!. Some of the initiatives this year will be centred around this, If you have any input or suggestions, I would love to hear from you - drop me a line And if you're keen to get involved, join our WORCA Volunteers Facebook group :)

Years of experience on the Board? 

First year

Why did you join the Board? 

For the past 5 summers, I have coached WORCA Dirt Camps. I’ve loved this program, not only for the biking aspect, but its approach to teaching kids sport for life, and building positive ambassadors of the sport. An ex-board member encouraged me to apply, and here I am! I’m looking forward to learning lots and having a voice in shaping the future of the organization and bike community in Whistler.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Dark Crystal and the Dessert Platter (Editor's note: for those wondering what the Dessert Platter is, it is the nickname given to the route linking up the following trails: Piece of Cake > A La Mode >Whipped Cream > Cherry On Top > Green Jello)

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

Since arriving in Whistler, I’ve been awed by the community's love and support for WORCA: the volunteer trail building scene, the riding community, and local businesses that support WORCA events. I feel incredibly lucky to have access to such an amazing trail network and community, and love being able to share that with others. 

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Mid-ride snack :)

Best part of the 2021 riding season?

Learning to love the pedal! Finishing (surviving!) the Pemby 50, and riding cool places around BC: Cumberland, Sunshine Coast, SilverStar Bike Park and the Chilcotins.

For those that enjoy the nerdy part of sport, here's a research article I wrote a few years ago ("The effects of compression garments on performance of prolonged manual-labour exercise and recovery")


Cathy Jewett 


Currently Resort Municipality of Whistler Councillor (and retired Ski Patroller)

Describe your position/role

Council Appointee

Years of experience on the Board? 

It's my first year.

Why did you join the Board?

I asked the Mayor if I could be the WORCA Appointee. I’ve been a member of WORCA since the start and it has been a big part of my life. I was at the first meeting at The Boot and came up with the first slogan - “Save the Wheels”. At that time mountain bikers had just been shut out of the Singing Pass/Garibaldi Park. Bob Eakins (Rebob), Rolo and others floated the idea of what would become the Loonie Races. The Loonies would be my night out, hire a babysitter - enjoy the ride and grown-up time. Later my son, Max Horner, started to join me on the rides and eventually received the Lumpy Award. Its been such a pleasure to see our kids become passionate life long riders.

The Whistler Bike culture has spread around the world - athletes, event organisers, apparel, bike frames and components come from here and go everywhere. When I bought my first mountain bike from Doris Burma in 1984, it was a very different place. WORCA got the party started and the Board keeps it going - trails, camps, events, advocacy and so much more. WORCA has a working board that puts their time and heart into this community organisation. It is an honour to work with them.

Two favourite Whistler trails?

I really enjoyed the Single Track Mind/Far Out combo last season. Looking forward to seeing the completion of Far Out.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

The sense of community, hoping we are back to in person Toonies this coming season.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Depends on the time of day, early morning ride  - post ride coffee, later in the day - beer.
Best part of the 2021 riding season? 

New trails and old friends to ride with.


Trevor Ferrao


WORCA Executive Director since the role was created in 2018. Before that I worked full-time as a snowboard instructor every winter and for the Whistler Mountain Bike Park Events department and Crankworx during the summer. Before moving to Whistler in 2005, I worked as a chartered accountant in the UK. I was also one of the original owners and directors that started Forbidden Bike Company and was involved all the way through to launching bike sales but resigned from that role in 2019 to focus on my job with WORCA.

Describe your position/role:

Overseeing and managing all of WORCA’s operations and working closely with volunteer directors and staff to achieve the objectives in our strategic plan. My job involves a lot of different responsibilities, from big-picture items like trail advocacy, to very detailed work like grant applications, financial reporting, fundraising campaigns, managing our membership system and maintaining our website. I am often the first point of contact for members and other stakeholders and represent WORCA as a professional organization.

Years of experience on the Board?

2022 will be my 5th year on the Board.

Why did you join the Board?

I have been a WORCA member since I moved to Whistler in 2005 and participated in the Toonie Rides every week, so I knew all about WORCA’s valuable work and its importance to the community when I applied for the ED position. I knew that I could make a significant impact by improving the whole organization using the variety of skills that I have with business, finance, events, instructing and six years of experience as a volunteer director for a national non-profit organization (Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors).

Two favourite Whistler trails?

It’s difficult to pick just two trails but my favourite loop is one that I can do from home in Cheakamus: High Side, HiHi, Business Time to AM/PM.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

The people. Working with so many people that are passionate about trails, mountain biking, and our community.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer?

Post-ride beer (but it has to be gluten-free unfortunately).

Best part of the 2021 riding season?

Exploring mountain bike trails in some places that I had never visited before with road trips to Northern BC (Terrace, Smithers, Burns Lake, Prince George, Valemount) and Arizona (Phoenix, Tucson).

To watch a fantastic video about Trevor, click on this "Why Whistler" link. "Why Whistler" is a video series produced my Tourism Whistler on why people have chosen to make their home here.