Get to know the Board 2024-2025


Dale Mikkelsen


RMOW General Manager of Climate Action, Planning, and Development

Describe your position/role:

El Presidente - this is the last year of my third two-year term. Who knows if I've got another two years in me, or if the membership will think I'm worth voting for again. But I'm super happy to be in the role and hope we can keep leading the way in trail stewardship, community-based events, camps, and new trail construction. As the President, I guess I oversee and support all Board members, liaise with engagement groups and our members, and support Trevor, our most excellent Executive Director, in any way he needs it. More importantly, my role is to help set an example and just "be there" - toonies, trail nights, events, and committees. Sit, listen, learn, and respond.

Years of experience on the Board? 

7th year as President, and 2 years prior as Fundraising Director.

Why did you join the Board? 

Because WORCA members, staff, and board are really the best people in town. Who wouldn't want to be a part of the bike, trail, and stewardship culture of riding in Whistler? And free pizza at the Board meetings. People should really join the Board!

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

So many good trails! I tend to fall in love with a different zone each year and spent more than a normal amount of time riding that zone. This year it was right in my backyard with the ever-expanding Cheakamus network. The end-of-season rebuild of Hindsight is incredible. And so stoked to welcome trails like Southern Accent, Roca Verde, and Salsa Verde to the list of trails that WORCA can help to support and become advocates for in the future.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

Every single person that buys a membership and recognises membership isn't about events, or trail nights, or camps... membership is about supporting trails and the advocacy for mountain biking in Whistler.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

With Hammer Roasting now gone, I guess it's beer! And endlessly stoked for the support we get from our local brewers, Whistler Brewing and Coast Mountain Brewing.

Best part of the 2024 riding season? 

2024 was a year of mileage and volume for me.  Not a single day in the bike park.  It was also the year I got a gravel bike, which really upped the miles and the fitness.  This led to many long epic days through the Whistler valley, with interesting link-ups and creative route choices to extend the riding.  The highlight of this extended riding was knocking over an hour off my previous best time for the Merritt Crown, a 120km mountain bike race with over 3,000m of climbing.


Omer Dagan


Whistler Blackcomb Business Development

Describe your position/role

Vice-President. The VP position has a lot of flexibility, and the priorities of the role changes from year to year and depending on the organizations priorities or the person holding the title. Practically speaking, this means supporting other Directors with their portfolios, and devoting time to a broad range of projects/initiatives. The VP of course also serves to support Trevor (Executive Director) and WORCA in the President’s absence. This past year has been spent on WORCA's strategic plan, events, and a broad range of "background" tasks that are less fun but keep the organization moving forward.

Years of experience on the Board? 

8 years. 3 as Secretary and 5 as VP.

Why did you join the Board? 

Riding bikes in the woods is an incredible privilege, and I feel thankful to live somewhere people dream of biking. Joining the Board was a way to show appreciation for my good fortune, and to help create the best possible experience for more mountain bikers in our community and from elsewhere.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

1. High Society. It was the first double black in Whistler that I managed to connect all the pieces together on. It holds a special place in my heart because I worked for so long to “unlock” that trail.

2. Flashback. My reasons for loving it grow by the day. Living in Cheakamus it ends up being a part of so many rides, be they long or short. It's open early in the Spring and stays rideable late in Fall. My kids adore it as well and it won't be long before I can't keep up to them, so I need to take advantage of riding with them for as long as possible.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

That it means different things to different people, but always comes down to loving bikes. 

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Coffee. Always coffee.

Best part of the 2024 riding season? 

My eldest son rode his first Toonie this season. It was a wonderful reminder of the million different ways WORCA contributes to the betterment of our community. The trails were the perfect level of challenge for his skill level. The other riders were super supportive as he huffed his way up the climbs. And the apres let him hang out with his friends while I did the same. A great evening and one I won't soon forget.



Marisa Harder


Financial Controller for Bella Coola Heli Sports

Describe your position/role

Providing financial oversight to the organization and ensuring compliance with laws and regulations regarding the financials.

Years of experience on the Board? 

2024 will be my first year!

Why did you join the Board? 
I've had so much fun over the years biking in Whistler that I wanted to be able to give back to an organization that provides so much for our community and hopefully my skills as a CPA can help! 

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Bring on the Weekend and Dark Crystal 

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

Getting to meet new people and talk about bikes! 

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Pre-ride latte probably with a lot of sugar.

Best part of the 2024 riding season? 

Getting to bike in the Sea to Sky pretty much year-round this year due to lack of snow. 


Layla d'Emanuele


High School Teacher at Whistler Secondary teaching Spanish, French, Social Studies and PE.

Describe your position/role

I am the secretary for the Board. My main role is to take notes for the board meetings but I am also there to help any of the other Board members with their roles and responsibilities. I hope to contribute to the organization by adding my own ideas and perspectives to any of the concepts that are being discussed in the meetings. 

Years of experience on the Board? 

This is my first term on the Board.

Why did you join the Board? 

Because El presidente told me I had to. Haha. Actually, I realized that I was going to many or all of the WORCA events and I wanted to contribute my time to an organization that has given so much to me. Moving to Whistler and not really knowing anyone in town, the events put on by WORCA allowed me to meet so many people and to feel like I was part of the community. Now, being here for more than 10 years, I can say that the WORCA family has really added to my sense of belonging in this community. 

Two favourite Whistler trails?

Number one is for sure Working Class to 3 Birds! I love that combo of trails. Second would probably be Flashback over to Tunnel Vision or Heavy Flow.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

That you can be in a room with people that all love the same thing. Biking!!

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Definitely post-ride Coca-Cola!! Then I can contemplate a beer. 


Kat Pohran


Marketing & Events - I work primarily on the consulting side, as well as dabbling in event operations.

Describe your position/role

I've moved into the Special Events Director role this year, overseeing the direction of our larger-scale events such as The Back Forty and The Witsend, and engaging with our key partnerships. I'm excited to see how we can continue to create unique opportunities on the trails and in the community!

Years of experience on the Board? 

This is year 4.

Why did you join the Board? 

I had just gotten into mountain biking when I joined the board, but felt like my expertise in the events world would be a great fit with the Race Director role. I really loved the Whistler riding community that welcomed me in as I got more engrossed in the sport and felt this would be a great way to give back.

Two favourite Whistler trails?

Love a quick lap of Hey Bud, or a backyard loop usually featuring something like Bones, Heavy Flow, Hindsight.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

The commitment to developing (planning, building, maintaining) a network for people to ride their bikes on/in.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer?


Best part of the 2024 riding season?

I spent the early 2024 riding season recovering from shoulder surgery, so the best part was going from cruisey laps with friends early season, and then feeling strong again on the bike later in the summer.


Lauren Robinson


Business / Commercial Advisor for BlueShore Financial

Describe your position/role

In my role as Community Events Director I provide input, planning and support for the local Toonie rides, events and the mountain bike community in general.

Years of experience on the Board? 

I am new to the Board this year.

Why did you join the Board? 

I joined the Board as I felt this would be a great way to give back to a community I have been a part of for 10+ years in Whistler.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Hey Bud for trail riding at the moment.

Bike Park trails: Aline, Del Bocca Vista, Facrobat>Too Tight>Angry Pirate is a fun one. Too many for just two!

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

The drive to develop and maintain a network of world-class trails that cater to all abilities. Ultimately bringing together folks that love riding their bike and this community.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Both? But switch the beer for a G & T or margarita.

Best part of the 2024 riding season?

The Witsend (despite the weather towards the end). And riding more Whistler trails in the valley with good friends.


Ben Hryciw


Professional Engineer working in nuclear safety analysis.

Describe your position/role:

Director of Trails.  I'm responsible for running our volunteer trail nights during the riding season, and I participate year-round in planning and discussions regarding our trail network.

Years of experience on the Board?

Just starting my third year.

Why did you join the Board?

Two reasons:

Firstly, I loved spending time out in the woods to improve our trails and I wanted to do more to help contribute to our community.  

Secondly, because lead trailbuilder Dan Raymond told me to, and I'll do almost anything to look cool for the trail crew :).

Two favourite Whistler trails?

Scotia Nova feels like the perfect climbing trail - nice line, not too steep, great tread, shady in the summer, and plenty of watering holes for the dog.  And if you don't like a lap down Del Bocca Vista, what do you like?

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

I've been amazed by the professionalism of the staff and leadership team - everyone works so hard to contribute to our trails and to the entire outdoor community.  It's also been impressive to see the diversity of skills, interests, and abilities of the many people who support WORCA through memberships, participation at events, and just plain old riding on the trails.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer?

Nothing like a cold beer to cut your thirst after an afternoon ride in the summertime!  Keep those fruity sours 'a comin'!

Best part of the 2024 riding season?

Finishing the Far Out / Flashback project.  It was great to host a grand opening celebration and see so many volunteers that had joined us at trail nights.  Who knew that all of these hardworking trailbuilders were also shredders on a mountain bike?!


Emma Logan


Group Sales Manager at Whistler Blackcomb

Describe your position/role

As the Director of Advocacy, I help the board connect with new riders, showing them the benefits of a WORCA membership and encouraging them to join in on our many events. I also look for opportunities to motivate more trail users to become members and inspire the next generation to get involved with WORCA. I’m passionate about inclusivity and want to find ways to make all riders feel welcome in the WORCA community, empowering them to participate in trail nights or toonies.

Years of experience on the Board? 

Just starting my second year.

Why did you join the Board? 

The trail network in Whistler is truly exceptional and serves as a playground for countless locals and visitors. It is clear that WORCA has dedicated so much into the maintenance and growth of the trails as well as developing a wide range of community events for everyone to take part in. I want to be a part of helping to preserve and grow this outdoor resource and help diversify the membership, and being on the Board is a great way to contribute.

Two favourite Whistler trails? 

Working Class + Howler - I love the west side trails.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA? 

WORCA is for everyone. No matter your passion, there is a way to participate and have a great time with the community who truly love bikes.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

A coffee before a ride definitely makes me climb faster and gives me some more pep for the 2nd lap!

Best part of the 2024 riding season?

Exploring new trails in the WORCA 35th Anniversary ride. This was a great opportunity to get out and ride trails that I haven't tried before and have fun on some firm favourites.



Ralph Forsyth


Raconteur. Ski Instructor. Entrepreneur (Peak Vending Corp.)  Resort Municipality of Whistler Councilor.

Describe your position/role

Council Appointee

Years of experience on the Board? 

Just completed my second year.

Why did you join the Board?

I asked the Mayor if I could be the WORCA Appointee. My kids experiences in the WORCA camps were the catalyst for me taking up mountain biking. Now mountain biking is a huge part of my family, social and work life!  It’s been such a joy to see local kids become passionate riders, and the world best in so many competitions… this is in large part due to the Whistler bike culture that has spread around the world, and the work of WORCA. Who wouldn’t want to be part of that!

Two favourite Whistler trails?

Chipmunk Rebellion and Far Out/Flashback loop.

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

It’s a real community builder!

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer? 

Double espresso and a little chocolate  Really gets the energy up for a ride

Best part of the 2024 riding season? 

Finally being able to enjoy long climb trails!


Trevor Ferrao


WORCA Executive Director since the role was created in 2018. Before that I worked full-time as a snowboard instructor every winter and for the Whistler Mountain Bike Park Events department and Crankworx during the summer. Before moving to Whistler in 2005, I worked as a chartered accountant in the UK. I was also one of the original owners and directors that started Forbidden Bike Company and was involved all the way through to launching bike sales but resigned from that role in 2019 to focus on my job with WORCA.

Describe your position/role:

Overseeing and managing all of WORCA’s operations and working closely with volunteer directors and staff to achieve the objectives in our strategic plan. My job involves a lot of different responsibilities, from big-picture items like trail advocacy, to very detailed work like grant applications, financial reporting, fundraising campaigns, managing our membership system and maintaining our website. I am often the first point of contact for members and other stakeholders and represent WORCA as a professional organization.

Years of experience on the Board?

2025 will be my 8th year on the Board.

Why did you join the Board?

I have been a WORCA member since I moved to Whistler in 2005 and participated in the Toonie Rides every week, so I knew all about WORCA’s valuable work and its importance to the community when I applied for the ED position. I knew that I could make a significant impact by improving the whole organization using the variety of skills that I have with business, finance, events, instructing and six years of experience as a volunteer director for a national non-profit organization (Canadian Association of Snowboard Instructors).

Two favourite Whistler trails?

It’s difficult to pick just two trails but my favourite loop is one that I can do from home in Cheakamus: High Side, HiHi, Business Time to AM/PM, and also Flashback now that it has been completed!

What’s your favourite thing about WORCA?

The people. Working with so many people that are passionate about trails, mountain biking, and our community.

Pre-ride coffee or post-ride beer?

Post-ride beer (but it has to be gluten-free unfortunately).

Best part of the 2024 riding season?

Completing the WORCA 35th anniversary ride in one day - I wasn’t sure if I could do it so I set off early and rode at a moderate pace. It was the most pedalling I have ever done in one day but I felt surprisingly good at the end of it (much better than I felt at the end of the Back Forty race!)

I also had a great road trip in August with 15 days of mountain biking, exploring some trails in Christina Lake, Rossland, Castlegar, Nelson, Kimberley, Cranbrook, Fernie, Crowsnest Pass, Panorama and Salmon Arm.

Also, buying the new Santa Cruz V10 for bike park laps - so good!

To watch a fantastic video about Trevor, click on this "Why Whistler" link. "Why Whistler" is a video series produced my Tourism Whistler on why people have chosen to make their home here.