RMOW Fall 2017 Fuel Thinning Projects & Trail Closures

[heading]RMOW Fall 2017 Fuel Thinning Projects & Trail Closures[/heading]The RMOW is planning two autumn fuel thinning projects that will start later in October and go into November. One is above the cemetery (called CCF5, see map) and the other is above Alpine Meadows off the end of Alpine Way (see map). Both sites have mountain bike trails either nearby or through sections.CCF5 is bounded at the upper edge by Whip Me, Snip Me which will have to be closed for a short period while fallers thin trees along the downward slope from it. There will be signs to warn riders at the bottom of Whip Me, Snip Me and above at the entrance to A Cut Above, plus the Flank Trail and Rainbow Trail, plus people on site. The trail will be opened up as soon as possible once the area is safe.The Alpine Meadows site will need to close the Alpine Way access up to the Flank and Cat Scratch Fever. Again, the closures will be minimized but safety is paramount.

Featured, TrailsSuki Cheyne