Trail Work Update: 23 June 2017

[heading]Trail Work Update: 23 June 2017[/heading]

So, you wanna go ride Lord of the Squirrels?...

WORCA has put up a "TRAIL CLOSED" sign at the 1200m viewpoint. This measure is part of our management strategy for this outstanding community amenity. We have inspected the trail for winter wear and found that the melting snow has saturated the ground where the terrain and grade of the trail flatten out (water does not drain well through these areas). We will revisit the trail weekly to move the "TRAIL CLOSED" sign to an appropriate elevation based on conditions further up the mountain. Walking/riding around snow will damage the surrounding vegetation and braid the trail. Riding and hiking through saturated tread will make grooves that hold water on the trail, extending the wet conditions.Please respect the trail.Also in bad news this week: Power lines are a terrible place ... until now!We spent this week "frying" on hotdog alley and Beaver pass. Both trails got a good plant trim and Upper Beaver got a facelift! The new line makes Beaver pass the full package: berms and jumps, rock faces, old school rooty tight turns, finished off with a skinny bridge.The climb up to Stonebridge from "A Cut Above" also got upgraded with a new line to the viewpoint and complete raking to remove the loose shrapnel.Who knew? There's a lot of wild activity under those power lines... in one day on Beaver pass, we encountered:

  • Momma bear with yearling
  • Garter snake family
  • Dark-eyed Junco nest (4 eggs)
  • Momma Grouse and 3 chicks
  • (Wile E.) Coyote
  • Ant colony under every rock (some bite-y ones)
  • Dragon flies, Deer flies, black flies and Mesquite flies.
  • Dusty trail builders
  • Wild strawberries, raspberries, currants, huckleberries, thimbleberries and blueberries. Alas, none ripe yet.
  • also: NO BEAVERS! (sad face)

Let's finish with extra dessert!Tuesday night dig added the "Cherry on top" portion of the Lower Sproatt dessert platter! With extra viewpoint! Thanks to Bear Back Biking for the tasty Backcountry brewing beer and samosas!What a week![Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="1" gal_title="Trail Work Updates 23 June 2017"]