Trail Work Update: 25 August 2017

[heading]Trail Work Update: 25 August 2017[/heading]What a great (stay)cation! I normally escape Whistler for Crankworx to go explore less crowded, new (to me) trails. However, watching Jesse Melamed climb to the highest step, taking friends up to the "Lord of the Squirrels", testing bikes and taking a helicopter ride reminded me why the world wants to visit our town.I was hoping that the solar eclipse would give our overbaked trails some respite, but alas, the dry weather continues. So, the trail crew is back on the de-branching program with some sign post installations thrown in for good measure. We have also been prepping sections of "Comfortably Numb" for renovations to come when the ground sees some moisture.Many hands make for lighter work: 6 groups of DFX riders came through to help us collect rocks on "Comfortably Numb"."Why are we doing this?" -inquisitive 10yr-old."Did you enjoy the ride to get here?""Yeah! It was super fun!""There is your answer."Although, Lord of the Squirrels has been finished since last August, we've yet to have a proper party... You are cordially invited to the "Lord of the Squirrels" grand opening! Group ride and Party! September 2, 2017.Dan Raymond, WORCA Trail Crew[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="9" gal_title="Trail Work Update: 25 August 2017"]