Trail Work Update: 29 September 2017

[heading]Trail Work Update: 29 September 2017[/heading]Discoveries this week:Benoit and I started work on the new section of "Trash" (to replace the old section of Trash that is now a new pea gravel thingy). We're squeezed for real estate between the Sea-to-Sky and suspension bridge access trails so the line will need a lot of woodwork to navigate between cliffs and creeks. There's plenty of framing cedar around (small-ish trees). However, making quality decking is best when the stars align:

  • A big tree has fallen years ago (of natural causes)
  • It is somehow off the ground and dry
  • It is in close proximity to the bridge we are building

We found the biggest red cedar that I've ever seen (on the ground) 50 metres away! It did not fall from natural causes (sadface)... however, lucky for us, a tree that large was probably too heavy for the loggers to get out of the woods at the time. The end result is glorious sweet smelling decking!Did I mention the smell? Oh yeah! You can smell it for yourself on Tuesday, for WORCA dig night! Meet us at 4:30 at the Trainwreck gravel parking lot on the Jane Lakes FSR (400m from the paved lot). I'll bring some IPA(s)!Last week's vollie night made great progress on the Scotia creek climb.Spooky TimeI went on a route finding mission with some RMOW peeps for a potential awesome upgrade to an already awesome zone (top secret). While trying to solve some steep cliff-filled terrain, we split up to cover more terrain. This is how horror movies start, isn't it?While following the edge of a large cliff, I saw a... bear den! Or so I thought. On closer inspection, the large hole in the wall was in fact a... cave! No, not exactly a cave... the walls were too straight, the ground was too flat. My phone's flashlight was not adequate for this dark darkness! Expecting vampire bats to swarm me, I turned back! I needed backup (someone slower than I)!Now armed with 2 phones to face whatever lurked in there, (Name Redacted) pushed me back into the tunnel... Turns out it was probably just a portal to another dimension or an ancient Aztec vacation retreat. And we forgot where it is. End of story.Go into the woods! You never know what you will find...Dan Raymond, WORCA Trail Builder[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="14" gal_title="Trail Work Update 29 September 2017"]