Trail work updates, Aug 1-5, 2016

[heading]Trail work updates, Aug 1-5, 2016[/heading]

Alpine Sproatt Trail

It's quiet again up here... After all the commotion of the volunteer weekend, we can hear the birds sing and the creeks gurgling between pulaski strikes and Raph's grunts.  The black flies have turned it up to eleven. Speaking of bugs, after 12 stings on Cypress last weekend (I [Dan] stepped on a nest) I got another sting (or 3?) just below my eye that made me look like a boxer.Some of Dakota's friends from Vancouver came up to help for a day and found the spring of never ending gold (dirt). After some serious rock moves, we pushed the trail up through the "notch" and into sub-alpine. Another 150m done... our commute is getting unreasonable so we decided to move (up). Oh, the views![huge_it_gallery id="3"]

Trail Maintenance in Whistler Valley

This week in the valley we got started on prepping for the time we will be spending up in Jane Lakes by doing some planning of work and making a bunch of slats for the bridges that we will be building as materials close to the trail are scarce. As we are waiting for access up into the area we decided to do a couple of other small projects that were planned for later in the season.  We went over to Lower Old Binty's and put in a single black ride around for the last chute as the exposure below this section of trail could be terminal if someone was to leave the trail.  We then went back over to the West Side and built the bridge that will serve as the crossing over the river for Industrial Waste.  This project was not easy as the stringers are 33 feet long and 10-18 inches thick. Through some crafty rope work and use of leverage we managed to get them across this large river and in to place.ValleyMaintenance2016Aug1-5The lower photo is of high society and shows some of the help we had, the upper is showing the process we used for building the industrial waste bridge.ValleyMaintenance2016Aug1-5-2