Trail work updates, July 23-29, 2016

[heading]Trail work updates, July 23-29, 2016[/heading]

Alpine Sproatt Trail

Simply WOW. Planning for a volunteer work party, let alone a full weekend in a remote mountain location is daunting. "Will anyone show up?" Of course they will... (I hope). The logistics of getting enough tools, food and drink up there for 5 to 50 helpers AND lining up enough projects to keep everyone busy/interested has dominated the last few weeks for us. I'm glad to say that they did indeed show up: 35 hard workers climbed 1000 metres to make their mark on this epic project!Stand out moments included: Colin fetching the big rocks, Tim taking out the triple stump and Pippa digging herself knee deep into the muck. Pavel battled the roots, Trevor lined up the sweet rock face and Seb raised a sizeable berm. ... A so much more![huge_it_gallery id="2"]I'd like to extend a special thanks to Tim Andrews for cooking and feeding the entire crew, Martine Lafontaine for lining up the sponsors and prizes, and Dakota and Raphael for leading and teaching all of the helpers. And of course our sponsors!!!At least 700 metres were added to the trail taking us within a stones throw of sub-alpine meadows. Talk about "earning your turns!" Everyone that helped should feel proud! If you feel like you've missed out, and want to dig as well: get in touch with us to volunteer on a "normal" workday!

Trail Maintenance in Whistler Valley

This week on the valley maintenance crew we spent a little time to finish up the upper 2/3 of the Industrial Waste to make it rideable from the Flank to Industrial just above Pura Vida.  We then went over to High Society and did a little armouring on the top, then spent the bulk of our time working on the last 1/4 of the trail just before it forks and on the traverse.  We had some fantastic help from some kids out on their morning ride for a couple hours and many other passers-by helped make short work of rock collections.  We also did some minor touch-ups on the on the top of Danimal South.

Featured, TrailsSuki Cheyne