Trail work updates, Sept 19-23, 2016

[heading]Trail work updates, Sept 19-23, 2016[/heading]

Alpine Sproatt Trail

Opening a can of worms... Raph and I returned to Secret trail north (start of Comfortably numb) to replace some rotting bridges. We replaced a curved bridge and planned to tackle the end sections of the swamp line. Plans were drawn to replace 7 sections. I made a parts list and we began milling, splitting and peeling everything before taking the old stuff apart. Ready to assemble, the scene looked like we just opened a box from IKEA...When we started removing sections, it was clear that "the ankle bone is connected to the shin bone, the shin bone is connected to the knee bone, the knee bone...". Each cut revealed how bad the next section was and so the plans changed. We went from IKEA to Lego instantly and improvised a new design with what we had ready to go. In-all, 14 sections came out and the new "swamp thing" will be completed next week. "Out with the mold, in with the new!"[huge_it_gallery id="14"]

Trail Maintenance in Whistler Valley

This week in the valley we got back into working on Industrial Waste. We finished up the top of the trail where it connects into Industrial Disease then moved down to the bottom section.  The lower section was amazing to get back into, the forest is incredible and the building is good.  We hosted two volunteer trail building sessions both of with had very lower turn outs unfortunately but the few people that made it out did some great work and helped us out significantly, thanks to Summit Sports for sponsoring and getting a few people out to the second one.  We have in the bottom two traverses and corners which are the most challenge to build built now from the creek up we will be back in there next week to get the trail connected up to where we finished off earlier in the season.  I also went and spent a day doing some work on Howler, the big cute in Upper Hower was armoured on the top half and then in Mid Howler there was some improvements made in the bridge section with some pesky alder stump removal to rounding out some corners.[huge_it_gallery id="15"]