Trails Update: Aug 17, 2018

[heading]Trails Update: Aug 17, 2018[/heading]Vacation update:

My favorite riding experience is the “first time on a trail that is new to me”. I love the surprises, the unexpected and the thrill of discovery. That makes leaving Whistler a sure hit into the great unknown. Every town in BC is riddled with trails waiting to be experienced. I ventured to Revelstoke, Sol mountain and Sun Peaks and the thrill was high! Each location offered stunning alpine trails with never ending views, twists and turns. And critters!

Unexpectedly, I got to experience some more first ride fun when I got back to Whistler! Howler Contracting had just finished building “LESS” (Lower Elevation Short Squirrels) and a day in the Whistler bike park kept the surprises coming!    

Freehub/Specialized trail day 

What do you do when you run out of “first -ride trails”? You build new ones! In this case, we by-passed a section of the road on the “Yummy Numby” climb. (Whistler-Blackcomb has approved this new trail all the way up to where the upper “Yummy Numbysingletrack starts) 

Over 60 people came out to help in the middle of Crankworx! SIXTY! Hopped-up on Hammer coffee, we managed to connect the bypass to the switchback on the road and kept going... we were prepared: The corridor was already flagged for the return of “Tuesday Dig Nights” (September 4th).  

The fire rating is currently preventing the use of power tools, so we got the WORCA Dirt Camp kids to “hand-cut” the line using loppers, making sure to eat any berries in their path. The army of diggers chased them up until high noon 

Then it was burger time. Cheers to Gibbons and Specialized! 

Funny story: managing 60 motivated diggers is a stretch, so I let some more experienced builders take on sections of trail with a handful of helpers. It gives them an opportunity to put their mark on the trail. 

I left the berm kings: “Coastal Crew” and “Free Radicals” guys, in charge of building a switchback... you’ll want to pedal hard into “the ultimate uphill berm!” 

The lower part of the trail is open (to the road switchback). 

Now, go experience yourfirst time on a trail that is new to me”. 


Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder