Trails Update: July 5, 2019

Fresh cedar smell

Renovations are ongoing in the depths of Comfortably Numb. The trail was originally designed to be ridden south (from wedge to the village), however, it’s become more popular in the opposite direction since Yummy Numby and the Golden Door were built.

So far this year, we’ve repaired or added new bridges to improve the flow of the trail (in both directions!). You’ll want to give it a try both ways!... perhaps not on the same day.

More Comfortably Numb renovations to come after the WORCA dirty 30 event. 

Trail night hibernation

We’ve had 9 Tuesday dig nights this spring and these school night get-togethers have spawned some sweet singletrack!  We’ve tackled some big projects and definitely drew a crowd: 160 individual volunteers put tools to ground!

Some do it to meet new friends, some do it for fitness, some might even be doing it to get some time away from their kids… The end result in all cases is giving back (or forward?) to our trail network.

This spring, Tuesday nights have brought us: Yummier Numby (900m), HiHi (400m) and a good start on the “still in progress” Chipmunk Rebellion (600m) 

Our last trail night of spring started with a bang for WORCA ex-president Craig Mackenzie. Chromag was the sponsor, so a 25 member (work)party was on! Excited about BBQ good times and to see how his 4 week project held up to the rain, Craig showed-up early and set-off hiking up THC>Danimal>Industrial Waste alone.

It turns out, I’m not the only one who noticed some (really) early ripe blueberries under the powerlines… so did a hungry black bear.

The bear charged Craig! Twice! claim those berries! How did he escape unscathed?

I’ve been told not to ruin a good story with facts, so I’ll let Craig tell you what happened himself... 

The Rebellion is off to a great start, but it will rest for a while. Tuesday nights are now for riding!

The Chipmunks will regroup with new recruits over the summer: The WORCA bike campers and coaches will take up the challenge!

Join us for the next Tuesday dig night: after Labour day. 

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder