Trails Update: July 10, 2020

Marching orders

Our closest star has been making sparse appearances -- giving the impression that summer hasn’t been completely cancelled this year.

“Let’s eat dinner on the deck!” 

That first outdoor meal is indeed symbolic.

We were greeted by a cacophony of startled birds. We’d been hiding indoors since sometime in 2019, so it was their backyard now. 

I cleared the rusty table of pine cones and needles to set dinner down. It felt indeed like an excursion into the wild. 

Lisa made lentil “salad” brimming with pemberton farmer’s market greens and roast vegetables.

I poured an IPA.

“Summer relaxing is finally here!”

Just then an unusually big chipmunk entered the scene. It went about its business as if we were just part of the furniture, nearly crawling over my toes. 

“Shouldn’t you be building our trail?” said the rotund chipmunk.

So, after a successful fundraising campaign , the crew sped up our march up Industrial waste, excited to break ground into untracked territory (we still put down even more rock and dirt for good measure). 

The new recruits’ skills are sharpening: working smarter, not harder. They are ready to carve a blank canvas.

Dan: “We’re going to be working on this for the next 5 weeks”

Riley: “Isn’t that until the end of the program?”

Matthias: “Only five weeks left? That makes me sad!”

Dan: “You’re sad for trailwork to end?”

Matthias: “No. Sad that summer is almost over!”

Let’s make the best of it!

Big “adventure rides” are opening up: Mystic>LESS is now open! It won’t be long for Pot of Gold, On the Rocks and LOTS. Jane lakes would make some good “training”... I hope your legs are ready! If not, you’ll need some good insect repellent.

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder