Trails Update: July 24, 2020

Movin’ on UP! 

It has been nice to focus on a single project for a few weeks. The tools “live at the office” and everyday we create some “ready to test” new trail.

This week we hit an un-sproatt-like section of sweet orange dirt! 

-Can we build a jump?

-Let’s call it a grade reversal… (water management feature)

The new recruits also helped move some big bridge components into place, which gave us another opportunity to work smarter not harder.

-What would the Egyptians have done? (while building the pyramids)

-They used alien anti-gravity tech!

-Uh, ok. Let’s try using these buckets...

The warm weather has been a welcome change. With the ripe berries, hotter weather also brings new pests to contend with: Horse flies

While there are fewer assailants to ward off (compared to black flies or mosquitoes) they have the most painful “sting” on our psyche. 

Horseflies are persistent hunters. They have powerful sharp jaws that literally take a bite of your skin… before a sponge like tongue can soak up the blood. This paired with their noisy wings and erratic flight patterns instantly activates your “fight or flight” response!

Did I mention that they are persistent?

The constant buzzing, swirling just behind you is exhausting. Sometimes, they even pair up for an unrelenting attack.

The exchange always ends badly for someone (or some fly): A painful bite or a victorious SPLAT!
Only the most seasoned crew members have the patience (and confidence) to fight back. Letting the parasite land on you. SPLAT!

Sometimes you miss the fly. And comedy happens. 

Fresh talent tends to panic. They drop their tools and run. Towards another worker. Hoping that the horsefly is more interested in them… Horsefly tag is risky but the new recruits look like they are having (some) fun! 

New Crew Transportation

You’ve probably read in the last newsletter about the trail crew’s new transportation. They’ve already helped us get some heavy supplies up from the valley (fuel, nails, pianos) without a drop of sweat! Thanks Santa Cruz bikes!

LOTS/Mystic update

I’m sorry to share that it’ll be at least another week (I’m hoping for Jul 31) before enough of the snow has melted to open our epic alpine loop. I inspected Lord Of The Squirrels on July 23: Snow drifts above the treeline are still over a metre deep, the exposed soil is saturated and alpine creek crossings will soak well over your ankles (while riding your bike).

There are still few flowers in the alpine and the bugs were horrendous, so you’re not “missing out” yet.

Make sure to test your fitness and skill with Mystic>LESS>LOTS before going for the full adventure.

Check trailforks before your ride.

Please respect all closures and signage.

E-bikes and dogs are prohibited above the flank trail.

RMOW rangers are feeding mosquitoes 7 days a week!

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder