Trails Update: June 16, 2022

Was I Asking For It?

After last week’s claim that I love to work with a tight deadline, it seemed karmic for more urgent repairs to land on my plate… The CCF had returned to complete the fire thinning work in the Cheakamus FSR and AM/PM was once again impacted. Did I mention urgency?... This week’s Virtual and “In Real Life” Toonie courses were on AM/PM.

With haste, we set-off to repair the damage and with some time to spare, addressed the now defunct ride-arounds. The first optional line got some smooth rock art treatment (see pics), while the lower line was just too far out of the way to re-open, so we smoothed the main line into a roll. This conveniently makes a drop (!) for faster riders… and the awkward slab thingy is still in play for those who want to ride it.

Perhaps I don’t love working under such deadlines after all! In an effort to “try and get ahead of these things” we moved into Hot Dog Alley a week early for you guessed it… another Toonie race course. There, we filled many flow killing holes and moved the trail out of a seasonal “pond”. We’ve also started a ride around for aluminum bike riders to avoid getting zapped - if you know, you know! It will be completed by Monday morning…ARGH!

Bear alert: Watch out for hungry Mamma bear with her 3 cubs (see picture of Benoit’s pack!)

Spring Muck

The popular Dessert platter (REMINDER: please pick up your trail supporter shirts by June 30!) has seen a lot of traffic this spring despite the inclement weather. Drains were clogged by a deep layer of tree litter which made me consider renaming Whipped Cream to Mince Meat. It’s all sorted now into Green Jello. Enjoy the fresh dirt!

Day Job

My riding group has been splintered for a few years now. Some have moved out of the valley, changed careers and most have reproduced so we don’t actually ride together very often anymore. However, the group chat we use to “try” to coordinate rides is still abuzz with banter and bragging when anyone gets out on their bike. Following a “Check me out: I’m riding!” post, my phone will ding with pictures of everyone else’s current office situation. Selfies from a meeting, scrap yard or panorama of a desk space… the pilot in our group might beg to differ, but I think I certainly have the best office shots.

I often brag back with a picture of whatever project I’m currently digging. This week Vinny (who works in tech) was quick to spot my subliminal art (see his interpretation in the pics).

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder