Trails Update: June 4-8, 2018

[heading]Trails Update: June 4-8, 2018[/heading]

Moving bridges

My "to-do" list is ever growing and some projects are more complex than others:
-cut dead-fall on this
-armour that

-brushcut this and that-re-position 2500 lb bridge that got pushed down stream by a debris-flowWith a lot of planning, some expert advise and unfamiliar equipment, we finally got the "Industrial Waste" bridge back in position!Huge thank you to Kevin and Bart at RMOW parks and trails and Chris for the extra muscle on moving day!(check out the timelapse of the move HERE).I now feel that perhaps, next week, we could build a pyramid...That bridge was only part 1 of getting the trails on the south side of Sproatt Creek re-opened.Part 2 involved connecting "Pura Vida" and "Industrial Disease" to the same bridge. That's where Tuesday dig night came in: 15 keeners braved the chilly rain for some even chillier beer! Fineline Bike shop delivered top-shelf local product to reward diggers on the new connection. The re-route is tight and janky, like the trails that feed into it. Shout-out to "Tic" for helping with the finishing touches on Wednesday!"But Dan! I loved "Baby Snakes!" ~Concerned trail lover.You can still access "Baby Snakes": from "Industrial Society" (the connector trail out of "High Society" and "Working Class"). The Trailforks map has been updated.

Squirrel time?

We started working our way up "Lord Of The Squirrels" buffing and patching-up the the trail. Funny enough, we ended up moving another bridge into place (using only biceps this time). For any keeners, the trail is open to the viewpoint at 1325m, as an "out-and-back"(!!! Expect 2-way traffic !!!). Above this point, there is snow and the soil is saturated so please respect the closure. We'll be pushing the sign up as conditions improve week to week.

Fresh "loamer" alert!

We cleared the deadfall on Comfortably numb and noticed that the trail got a hefty serving of cones and needles over the winter. Be the first to share this spot on your “roost-agram”!

Upcoming Tuesday dig nights:

Re-routing more of "Lower Sproatt" off-of the new road!

June 12 "Lower Sproatt descent" Meeting @5:30 in Stonebridge at the top of "Danimal North"
June 19 "Lower Sproatt descent" Meeting @5:30 in Stonebridge at the top of "Danimal North"

Trail closures and updates:

"Lower Sproatt": BC Hydro will be re-re-upgrading their road… Expect trail closures due to heavy machinery on “Lower Sproatt” into mid-July.

Fire thinning update:

Work is complete in the “Big Timber” area.
Crews are now working above Kadenwood, limiting access from there towards the southern trails (“Heavy Flow”, “Tunnel Vision”, “Hindsight” etc…)
“Whip Me, Snip Me”: Work is done for now, rehabilitation should take place in the fall.

Rick’s Roost: Flank access from Alpine Meadows is still active with clean-up and rehabilitation work.

Blackcomb closures:

Micro Climate closed due to continued spring seepage in upper portions.Dark Crystal also closed until July 1 to protect spring bear habitat and denning sites.

Please obey all signage in the affected areas.See you in the woods!Dan Raymond, WORCA Lead Trail Builder