Trails Update: May 7, 2021

Southern blues

We had some unfinished business in the south of town on the agenda this week. Benoit and Liam hit the final projects on the upper half of Runaway train. They expertly armoured around the massive cottonwood roots raising the tread back to its original level (and a smoother ride). The low grade on this section of trail makes for a more fitting intermediate level link to End of the Line. I challenge you to try returning to Cheakamus this way instead of using the sea to sky trail! 

Piece of cake indeed

The trail crew spent the next few days performing some heavy lifting in support of the Tuesday dig nights. You may know that I am a hoarder of “just in case I need it later” things. Well, there was this bridge that we took out while decommissioning a trail further up the mountain… It’s closer to the bottom of the mountain now.

Big Mountain Bike Adventures sponsored the dig this week: They brought some fine weather and cool(whip) refreshments to a feisty posse that made short(bread) work of the Big Yellow Taxi portion of the project. Next week, lower Yoda’s will get a (pie in the)face-lift. 

Vorsprung will quench your thirst next Tuesday Sign up here to help sweeten the dessert platter!  

About snow…

While valley temperatures have been pleasant enough for lizards to lounge and bumble bees to buzz, here’s a gentle reminder to be patient and make responsible ride plans. Higher elevation trails are still snowy AND they’ll need some time to properly drain before they get hit by the masses. 

“Just a few patches of snow to walk through” is NOT good to go. There’s still plenty of snow melting just above those white patches and all that water can only seep down, saturating the trails below for some time. Despite being snow free, 99’er is a muddy mess right now...  

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder