WORCA Accepting Applications for Treasurer

[heading]WORCA Accepting Applications for Treasurer[/heading]First, a big thank you to Katie Painchaud who has donated her time and helped us balance our books over the last two years. You will be missed Katie!Our board is made up of 12 directors and typically each director invests about 2-4 hours per week, with the busier times from April to October. In addition to taking care of our own portfolio, we also attend a monthly meeting and take turns assisting at the weekly Toonie rides and other sanctioned WORCA events. The Treasurer's job details are outlined below. If you have experience in accounting and are interested in joining our team please email us at secretary@worca.com with your expression of interest and relevant experience. Deadline to apply is March 28th.The Treasurer Shall:

  • along with two other Board Members, have signing authority on the Society bank accounts
  • be responsible for keeping financial records, including books of account necessary to comply with the Society Act, and rendering financial statements to the directors, members and others when required abide by the financial requirements set out in Part 4 - Financial sections 32-40 and Part 5 - Audit sections 41-55
  • be responsible for setting up a new accounting procedure to break down costs and revenues per department
  • be responsible for disbursing all payments (cheques) to vendors, coaches, and WORCA Board Members
  • assist other directors when necessary
  • help with fund-raising for the Society
  • maintain the budget set out by the Association
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