Trails Update: April 26, 2024

April showers with A side of snow

With growing trail crew numbers…tall Michal, Jacob and Nick are back! We set off to battle the mosquitoes of the Flashback 1 swamp. The weekend rain (and snow) put our new drains to the test and exposed some more seepage spots. After working in an office all winter, Michal dove into the complex rock drain project with gusto. We continued down through Flashback 2 clearing winter debris and tweaking turns and swoop shapes. We prepped the line that will more seamlessly link into Flashback 3 (we’re saving this project for volunteers…) and headed up HIHI for more shape fresh-up.

More Flashback!

Our dig night volunteers’ enthusiasm is keeping us busy with preparing enough “ready to build” projects. Josh, Jacob and I encountered our first bear of the season while lining up the missing trail corridor. It wasn’t much of an encounter… The shiny coated bear was camera-shy and scurried away (towards Java Time) as soon as I got my phone out. Getting back to the task at hand, we managed to fight our way through the last bit of steep, dense, unruly second growth forest. Our battery powered chainsaw made short work of the crowded, stunted dead trees. Emerging into the next (fire-thinned) cut block, I immediately recognized the large Douglas Firs atop a prominent rise. 

“I can see those trees from my desk!”

Construction blasting from across the river complemented that happy sentiment… There'll soon be 100 more families connecting with this special place, our communal backyard. Every rider, runner and dog walker we meet has expressed how much this trail means to them. You can join us to help build Flashback on Tuesdays! (Sundays in June). Please sign up here.

Is Lord of the Squirrels open yet?


See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure