Trails Update: August 18th, 2023

Hot enough for ya?

When the sun kicks it up a notch, we know to tackle the more strenuous work in the morning and pivot towards cooler projects later in the day. Obvious biology lesson: most plants thrive in direct sun… To avoid direct exposure in the hottest part of the day, we spent early mornings swinging the battery powered hedge trimmers. Vegetation control was done on LESS, Get Down On It, Fever Cat, River Runs Through It and along the Westside Road where trail entrances were getting hard to find. 

Instructions not included

Trail tread repairs are more difficult in these dry conditions so we shifted operations to wetter locations for bridge replacements. We put a dent in our decking stockpile replacing close to 30 meters of wooden structures on Get Over It. This is the second round of repairs on this particular structure. It’s usually easier to replace the whole thing and redesign it based on the resources and skills available to you. I want to give props to both the Michal’s for successfully working around sections of the bridge that I replaced 4 years ago. 

Back to school (soon!)

It’s hard to wrap our heads around the idea that summer’s almost over when the thermometer reads 37C! Alas, the calendar (and school supply adverts) confirm it. It dawned on me that we hadn’t taken our usual 2 week hiatus midway through the season which kicks off with a staff appreciation function… So better late than never, we gathered by the creek for Pizza, high fives and spicy Mexican candy (thanks Ben!).

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure