Trails Update: August 25th, 2023

Smoky skies 

It is not safe to perform physically demanding work in a smoky environment so we had to cut our days short this week. We managed to get some brush cutting and de-branching done in the south end of town before the air quality health index bumped up to “High”. Garbage, Rubbish, Trainwreck, End of the Line and Runaway Train are clear and ready for some “low elevation gain” riding should smoke return to our valley. 

While riding along the banks of the Cheakamus river, you may have wondered “how did all this junk and literal garbage end up in the forest around here?” Before the 2010 Olympics, Whistler’s municipal dump was located under the nearby power lines (now Baylie Park). For years, birds and bears would scavenge and drag “foodlike things” into the woods. That’s literally where the trails got their names. In some spots, moss has grown over the detritus, however a lot of it remains in plain sight. I’d like to make a huge shoutout to Gary and the volunteer youth group that endeavored to clear out the namesake detritus on these trails! Thank you!

More fresh woodwork

Later in the week, we returned to Get Over It for more bridge replacements. Aiming to work “smarter not harder”, I sourced an off-road capable dolly to move the decking to these sites. These new structures barely made a dent in our decking stockpile so we’ll be making upgrades in "A River Runs Through It" next… which is another fine “low elevation gain” ride!

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure