The insider’s guide to Monday Night Rides

[heading]The insider’s guide to Monday Night Rides[/heading]

Monday Night Rides_3People often ask us about our popular Monday night rides. What are they like? Who guides them? Can anyone attend? We’ve decided to interview one of our experienced guides to get her insight into these well attended events. Here is what Hilary Davison had to say:1. How long have you been riding in Whistler and how many years have you been a WORCA member?I’ve been riding for about 12 years, joining WORCA very early on. My first time out on a mountain bike a few of my girlfriends talked me into joining a Monday Night Ride (MNR), known as a ’Wild Willies ride’ back then.2. Favourite Whistler trail?Tough one.... Kill Me Thrill Me or Yummy Numby/ Foreplay (end of Comfortably Numb).  I like the technical single tracks, up and down. The views from the high points of Foreplay are amazing.3. Best mountain bike moments? Finishing The Test of Metal after zero training, not recommended.  Every time I fall and get back up in one piece.  And being able to take my bike anywhere in the world, seeing a countries beauty from my bike seat and meeting the local biking community when attending their group rides.4. How long have you been a Monday Night Ride guide and why did you first volunteer?Monday Night Rides_5Ten years. It is where I found my footing and fell for the sport, I love seeing the same passion discovered by others.5. What kind of training do you get to be a MNR guide?All our guides receive bespoke training provided by ZEP techniques covering group management, safety procedures and leadership styles. At the start of the season we also get an update from our technical advisor with a review of the previous years’ feedback and some development points for us to take away. And finally we all receive customized first aid training aimed towards mountain biking.6. You must have seen lots of riders’ progress through the MNR program over the years, please tell us about some of them? Two great stories come to mind. One is of Chloe Cross who started with MNR and is now racing all over North America. The other is of Sally Gabriel who started with MNR and continued to progress in the sport reaching the National level in the UK. This year Sally has moved back to Canada and will be guiding the MNR.7. What is your most memorable MNR group ride or moment? I have to say it is the après we have.  The funniest group you will find in town on a Monday night are the guides. Get us long term guides together for a beer and everyone has a laugh, it's a Monday night tradition that can go on till the early hours.8. Why should someone join in on a Monday Night Ride?  Is it just for new riders or people new to Whistler?It is for everyone. You meet amazing people from all walks of life, young, old, new residence and long term locals. You get to explore the trails with a seasoned guide and forge long term friendships. It’s a great event to attend for all; new and experienced riders.9. Are the trails and rides difficult? Do you just head out in one big group?All MNR are split into groups of ability level.  Some of the intermediate groups were quite large, but this year we have brought on more guides so the sizes of these groups may be reduced. Last year we had up to 7 ability levels.  Starting with the beginners, this group would head out on pea gravel paths and was introduced to little bit of single track on the Lost Lake trails. We also had three intermediate levels; a slower intermediate ride, a more technical intermediate ride and a spicy intermediate ride.  Lastly we offered an advanced ride for the faster and technically experienced riders.We also had Steve lead a clinic on most Mondays, choosing to focus on different techniques each week. This was very popular and helped beginner to intermediate riders develop their skills.

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- - -For more information on our Monday Night Rides, please click here.1st Monday Night Ride of the season will be held on Monday, May 25, 2015. See you there!