Learn What was Discussed at the Trails Open House

Last Tuesday we held a Trails Forum to discuss some important topics.  Here is the low down:Sproatt Alpine ProjectThe Alpine Trail Project was the main topic that night, as we have some hurdles with funding to overcome. All grants, except for one WORCA has applied for, got denied. So, we were having an open discussion and brainstorm for plan B to develop strategies. Also other current WORCA programs and events were discussed to evaluate their costs and revenue potential.One promising NTC-Canada Grant is still available to be completed.  This one has potential as it specifically targets this type of project. Unfortunately the application just came now and there will be a processing period.Present WORCA members at the meeting suggested to raise or change the Toonie cost program. The $2 have been a great deal, but as these weekly events have grown, administration costs of these barely cover the program. Many members feel the Toonie deal is too good for this weekly hugely popular event and not enough of the members enjoying them come out to Trail Days or other WORCA volunteer opportunities.  Therefore,  raising the cost will open up some better management and assist with funding other programs. We don’t want to rush and change the program right away mid-season, but we will evaluate and make some changes moving into next year.It’s been decided to come out with a private or Tiered Sponsorship Program. A Funds meter in form of thermometer is now on the website. By next week we will communicate the program and peruse private funding as well. We are waiting on some final components and will then post the opportunities available to contribute and be recognized.Volunteer Trail DaysMore people than ever enjoy the WORCA membership and the social events and programs it provides. We have grown to 1800+ members, but the number of members participating in volunteer trail days have declined. Historically this is one of the oldest WORCA programs along with Thursday Toonies. The Trail Days do have a small but strong following of the same volunteers, which come out annually. It’s been great to also see a few new faces this season and everyone taking part generally are impressed with the program. Moving forward, Toonies may be structured to help cover costs of tools and other funds required for Trails Days.Enduro RacingCrankworx has been in touch with WORCA again this year to donate funds towards the trails being used in the Enduro World Series coming to Whistler in August. This is the second year of this event and it will likely continue for a couple more years. The organizers have $ 10,000.00 annually in funds to help manage the impact of the event in the valley. It’s appreciated that Crankworx is recognizing the impact and asking for permission to run their event on our maintained trails. The process used last year will continue, where WORCA will decide if the trail in question is suitable and can handle the race. We do touch base with the builder to confirm permission if need be and allocate maintenance funds required to manage the impact. The Course is not public until shortly before the event.As WORCA has grown it has become very busy and the Board of Directors have put in a tremendous amount of volunteer time into the organizing.  A big thank you goes out to them and all the volunteers that come out to events and Trails Days and take part in this awesome mountain bike movement.