Wedgemount IPP: Trucks Working at Comfortably Numb Entrance

Notice: Truck Use on Re-Activated FSR at the Wedge Entrance to Comfortably NumbConstruction of the Wedgemount Independent Power Project (IPP) has started and WORCA would like to notify riders of shared use with trucks on the re-activated Forest Service Road (FSR) at the Wedge entrance to Comfortably Numb.  Trucks transporting construction material as well as some logging trucks will be present on the re-activated road daily between 7am and 4pm this summer.    NO SINGLE TRACK HAS BEEN IMPACTED BY THE PROJECT.  Please be aware of the potential truck traffic at the junction with the top of the first section of single track and the FSR, and of shared use with vehicles on the segment of re-activated FSR before the first bridge for those that choose to bypass the first section of single track.Map coming soonIf you have any other questions or concerns about this project, please contact Emily Mann at