RFP - Social Media Contractor

Request for Proposal

WORCA is looking to hire a contractor to create its social media posts and newsletters.

Project details:

  • 6 month contract, July 1st to December 31st, 2021

  • Creating an average of 3 social media posts per week on Instagram and Facebook. Approximately 4 posts per week July to September and 2 posts per week October to December.

  • Creating images for some social media posts (e.g. Toonie Ride announcements). Images for some of the posts will be provided by WORCA (e.g. for weekly trail reports and trail nights).

  • WORCA’s Executive Director will provide the information for social media posts and the contractor will adapt this to create the required tone.

  • Producing weekly newsletters in Mailchimp. This mostly involves copying information from the social media posts.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Previous experience and qualifications

  • Examples of previous work

  • Projected costs

  • Knowledge and involvement with WORCA

Please email your details to trevor@worca.com by June 28th.

Trevor Ferrao