Trails Update: June 18, 2021

Snow report:

Our strategic climb up Sproatt mountain was fraught with the worst that June-uary could throw at us: curtains of rain, sleet and more cold rain. That moisture has been supercharging plants around the valley so we delayed heading up to higher elevation to give the Hot Dog/ Beaver pass zone a trim. We also “detoured” into Chipmunk rebellion to make sure the drains were… draining.

Despite the inclement weather, we were greeted by hungry black flies when we reached the snowline! 

Bad news: the snow is way lower than I expected… Patches start at 1250m and full white coverage is around 1350m (LESS starts from 1425m)

We’ll get at least another week of tune ups in there while the snow melts before LESS can open for the season. Make sure to check Trailforks for the most up to date trail status before you start pedalling.

Trail School

It was a pleasure for me to teach Sustainable Trail Building to this spring’s batch of Whistler Adventure School students! This season’s class were all keen riders so we covered a lot of ground for case studies. Bench cutting and rockwork principles were tested on Danimal South (merging into THC). Bridge building and trail repair principles used the classrooms closer to Rainbow Park. Can you figure out what sections we “studied”?

Tuesday News

Dig nights are constantly making progress on the Flashback descent: Last week, Arbutus Routes paired with Back in Action to elevate the experience. Sign up here to get in on this week’s fun! Cascade Environmental usually fills the cooler with top shelf suds...

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder