Trails Update: September 30, 2022

Pile of wood

If you have caught yourself dreaming of a relaxing sauna while riding the “Dessert Platter”, your nose probably noticed the freshly split Red Cedar. We’ve been stockpiling it near Whipped Cream for the next BC Hydro road bypass. This section is filled with tricky terrain featuring unbench-able bedrock and a wide wet channel. The trail crew’s collective mind designed a hefty wooden structure that will slalom between the bedrock cliff and stumps to make this a pleasant climbing trail feature. 

“Where’d you get all this wood?” asked a curious and thankful WORCA member. This is where most of the trees donated by John Dietrich have ended up.

Recalling that sweet cedar sauna smell: The Scandinave Spa has treated our hardworking trail crew to some well deserved bath therapy! Thank you sooooo much!

Post race clean up

You know how I feel about unsightly plastic ribbons strewn all over the forest… This week we sent the crew out to clean up all of the leftover race flagging and inspect the trails. Hosting the Norco Canadian Enduro Series championship earlier in the season (compared to last year) managed to avoid an atmospheric river’s impact to the trails, however, the unusually dry conditions (for September) have made the race’s impacts no less noticeable… we’ve found some bike park sized brake ruts in janky trails like Baby Snakes and Danimal.

Here’s some good news: we were already planning substantial renovations on those trails and those areas affected by the race highlight where work needs to be done. Mending groundwork requires some moisture in the ground so we’ll get started on that once it finally rains…

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder

Nicole Koshure