Trails Update: September 22nd, 2023


We managed to dodge the extreme fire rating with a last second Sunday morning dig to kick off the fall volunteer trail work events. I’ve been giddy with anticipation for this one since the completion of Flashback 1 was imminent. 20 volunteers converged on the missing link, making short work of the Cheakamus duff. In lieu of a ceremonial ribbon cutting, Trails Director Ben kicked off the celebration with mimosas for an appropriate brunch atmosphere! 

There’s finally significant rain in the forecast and we should be back to digging on Tuesday nights. Daylight is getting scarce so we’ll be working from the bottom (Flashback 4) up from now on. Please sign up here to join. This week is sponsored by Evolution!

Me First!

We’ve wrapped up the carpentry in A River Runs Through It for this year with the addition of a few dinosaur replacements in the middle section of trail. First, my Whistler Adventure School students learned to inspect, remove and replace a sketchy pile of rotten, nail infested wood. Then, tall Michal and Vera completed the new feature with a thrillingly skinny ess (S). Short Michal didn’t get stumped replacing an old “up and over” feature. He cleverly supported the new woodwork over the heavily decayed original bases. Wrapping up this project in the warm afternoon sun, the urge to test all of this new woodwork was unavoidable. Realizing summer might just be done, we put the tools down and picked up our bikes…

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure