Trails Update: September 28th, 2023

Let’s do this!

The trail crew kicked off the week excited to set-up the lowest part of Flashback for Tuesday Dig Night. It was their first look at what will ultimately be the exit for the full experience. This section had been started by the Whistler Waldorf grade 9’ers and 2 sessions of Whistler Adventure School students. We framed a bridge and flagged the line and pondered if any volunteers would join us despite the forecasted heavy rain…

“I’m expecting no more than 10!”

“Haha: including us 5?”

As the rain rolled in, so did 21 keeners! Some dressed for the weather, others, not so much. We tackled some of the rootiest duff yet (in the 3 years of building Farout/Flashback) which concealed, as expected, magnificent orange mineral soil. It didn’t take long for my eyes to strain though: the days are getting short! With the sun setting at 7 and heavy rain clouds, dig night felt more like a sprint than a marathon. And, despite our usual attention to detail in preparing these events, no one remembered to bring any lights…

Thanks to Evolution for bringing a crew and sponsoring the treats this week! Props to the Turkington family for feeding everyone too! Next week we’ll continue the good work supported by the Cheakamus Community Forest. You can join us by signing up HERE.

Whoa! Monsoon!

Before anyone praises us for our resilience for working outdoors in the face of a “bomb cyclone”... you should know that we cowered away indoors… building shelves in our storage facility. As the weather turns to more seasonably wet conditions, please be considerate to the trails. Stormy day riding calls for heavily armoured/slabby trails or gravel riding. Yes, I said it: gravel.  

Our work week ended with more stump pulling along Far Out 3. Why? Some of the pesky relics are “standing” in the way of our effort to meet Adaptive-MTB blue standards. We’ll carry on with that next week.

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure