Teamwork and Whistler's Trail Network

Teamwork and Whistler's Trail Network

When the snow melts in the Spring it’s time for WORCA’s trail crew to get the trail assessments in motion. The season will begin with trail inspections, as the trails become accessible. Once the condition of the trails have been assessed, the Trails and Planning Committee will put a trail maintenance plan into action, prioritizing those trails which are most in need of work.

Damp and buggy

In 2017 the trail crew’s two larger projects will be Jane Lakes and Comfortably Numb. The crew plans to work on the middle section of Comfortably Numb, focusing on 2 reroutes in the Jeff’s trail area due to water issues. Work will continue in the East Jane Lake area between the Blacktusk Microwave road to East Jane Lake and progress from there. The exact scope of the work on both of these projects will be decided once the annual assessments have been completed.

goodbye squirrel campbridge 1

WORCA is immensely grateful for the funding from the Resort Municipality of Whistler which enabled the organization to maintain and rejuvenate more trails than ever before. The 2016 WORCA Membership survey revealed that 47% of members saw more trail work in 2016 than expected and that 55% of members stated that the quality of the trail work conducted in 2016 was ‘greater than expected’. Continued investment in the form of the FFS Agreement in 2017 and 2018 will enable WORCA to keep trails to a high standard that will exceed the expectations of all trail users.

Ongoing teamwork between WORCA and the RMOW remains critical to the development of Whistler’s trail network that can be enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of visitors, and will continue to grow as a valuable recreational resource thanks to adherence to sustainable trail maintenance and design.
