Trail Open House Review
[heading]Long-Term Trail Development Vision[/heading]
We would like to thank Forlise and Stonebridge for sponsoring our Trails Open House. It was great to see so many people from the community out on a stormy wintry night. We received a lot of great input and suggestions.
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The mapping provided depicts a variety of trail development options and timelines. Much of the immediate and near term options are currently in various stages of planning, authorization, or construction while most of the plans beyond 5 years are conceptual in nature and have not necessarily been explored in the field. We welcome your feedback about our draft vision and encourage suggestions about things we may have missed, or other comments in regards to timelines, locations, or other general feedback.
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Thank you for taking the time to be an active and engaged member of our trail community as we look forward to the coming years. Please email with any questions and/or comments.
Todd Hellinga
Director of Planning