Trail work updates, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016

[heading]Trail work updates, Aug 29-Sept 2, 2016[/heading]

Alpine Sproatt Trail

What's all this buzzing?a) another wasp nestb) a helicopterc) word spreading about a new traild) the entire rear break assembly falling off of the rokon (google it)e) all of the aboveAfter one final swim and ride down through the alpine (and the weather calling for snow) it was time to shut down "Squirrel camp 2.0". We chartered a helicopter to pull out 1050lbs of gear! There was no other way to get the big screen TV and hot tub down (winky face).We've been creeping our way down, cleaning up work sites, making cement (water + dirt) and polishing sections of trail. so expect some fresh dirt, new berms and improved drains. On Wednesday, I stumbled upon not 1 but 4!!! wasps nests while working our way down the trail (3 are in trees next to the trail, 1 is IN the trail tread). Somehow, no one got stung! Our sprinting through the woods must be on point... Fun fact about bald faced hornets: they hang out around the crew to eat the flies that bug us.Traffic on the trail ( and social media) is up... way up! So expect to meet some friends in both directions (and the trail crew for one more week).To give credit where credit is due: WORCA has completed the trail from the the Flank to Camp lake. We connected our trail to the "summit trail" that links the Lake to the weather station near Sproatt summit. It was built by Danny Shrantz and his crew.[huge_it_gallery id="11"]

Trail Maintenance in Whistler Valley

Week off.