Trail work updates, Aug 22-26, 2016

[heading]Trail work updates, Aug 22-26, 2016[/heading]

Alpine Sproatt Trail

What a week! (I must start every report like this). The best way to treat a sunburn is by swimming in an alpine lake... As word of imminent completion spread (WORCA will provide details of the official trail naming and opening), traffic on the trail was at an all-time high (some even made two trips). A huge shout-out to those who dug, Hi-fived and left treats for the crew! Knowing that the end was near, Dakota, Raph and Jordan stepped into high gear to cut and bench out the last bits of trail. I giggled uncontrollably as we worked our way along the lake, reaching our final destination on Wednesday. We would like to personally thank the hundreds of volunteers that left their mark on the trail. Also: the generous donors, sponsors, funding partners, without whom this project would still be in the "dream phase". And of course the trail builders on the crew whose craftsmanship will be enjoyed for years to come. The best way to celebrate three years of digging is by ridding down the trail with friends... and some bubbly wine next to an alpine lake! Enjoy the ride![huge_it_gallery id="10"]

Trail Maintenance in Whistler Valley

This week in the valley we hit the Jane Lakes Trail hard for the week with a little addition help from Scott V for a couple days.  We got the new entrance in and the majority of the bridges framed and the three crucial ones slated.  We then worked our way through the trail from the road doing quite a few small projects that will make a big difference in the enjoyability of the trail for all users. This included rock armouring, stump removal and minor realignments to make the trail slightly more direct along the flats and avoid sensitive ground.   Then we crushed out the main re-route that brings us to the high point before descending down to the lake.  We are very pleased with the way things are going up there and are really looking forward to some rain to save half of the dirt from blowing away while we build.JaneLakes1 JaneLakes2