Trail work updates, July 11-15, 2016

[heading]Trail work updates, July 11-15, 2016[/heading]

Alpine Sproatt Trail

This week we stepped up the preparations for the Volunteer weekend July 23-24. The BBQ was tested (thanks Zander for the steaks!) and micro flagging has been laid out for the benching sections. Please confirm your attendance on the event facebook page so that we have enough food and drink (and tools) for everyone.Some sections of trail look particularly daunting to build. We tackled a particularly steep section of bench cutting with fingers crossed... you never know what's on the dark side of the moss... and discovered a mix of incredible dirt... and bedrock. We (mostly Jordan) benched through bedrock. Really.  We built a 20m rock crib and pulled some stumps. Benched approx 60m!We also framed two bridges (7m, 14m). The trail has now ventured away from any cedar so we're using Douglas fir...which presents some challenges: It is really heavy, really dense and really knotty! We summoned for an urgent delivery of fresh drill and Batteries and Pat Plante delivered! literally. He pedaled up after work: his effort was rewarded with food and drink and a sunset shred down the freshest trail.We added approx 200m to the corridor, reaching roughly 1550m in elevation.[huge_it_gallery id="8"]

Trail Maintenance in Whistler Valley

This week we in the valley we started working on one of our bigger projects for the summer, the Industrial Disease blue line.  This is going to be a two way trail that will be linking Danamal South to the Flank. The terrain is mostly very good and a lot of the trail will be left natural to ride in but there is also a fair bit of benching to be done.  We will be working in here for the next two weeks so if you're in the area and would like to check it out please feel free to stop by and help out for a few min or the afternoon.  You will be rewarded for your efforts with the personal satisfaction of knowing you helped build a section of trail and a high five.  You can find the line 5m above the last climb on Industrial before you reach Pura Vida.ValleyZander also spent a day doing a couple of small projects on the top half of Gargamel.  The big log ride has a smooth transition onto it and was scored for traction, there is a short re-route near the top of the climb before the real decent starts due to water running down the old line and there is now a nice catch berm where the trail was blowing out where the big old wooden structure is.A Cut AboveThis week we also had a crew out on A Cut Above. Experienced trail builders Tim Haggety, Tim Andrews, Dwayne Macintosh, and Luke de Jager were joined by dedicated volunteers from Seattle, Ben Gore and his father Jay. We put in 4 bridges, finished the rock work in one of the hard corners and began the rockwork on the middle bench above the Talus field.  All in all we are well on our way to completing this project.We are hoping to run one more trail night after we get the dirt brought in. There are 10 bridges in total to deck and 2 rock work projects finish up as well as 50m of benching at the start and one bridge at the finish to complete. Sign up for the volunteer night when we circulate details!