Trails Update: Oct 02, 2020

Grateful seasons

We’re back up working on Lord of the Squirrels after the cold rain and snow. It’s been quite a mix up there this week: the mud and flies hint at spring, the UV index and thermometer say summer, but the leaves and spoiling berries scream fall. 

In three days, we got to see how all of that precipitation we got last week works its way down the mountain. Strangely, the lower sections were dryer on Monday than Wednesday.

It looks like the tread and drains are doing what they’re supposed to: shedding water from the surface. It seems that groundwater, which slowly drips down the mountain through saturated soil and along bedrock, ends up under the trail. Keen riders truckin’ down then shred the tread… even after a few hot sunny days.

So, we turned some drains up to eleven while continuing our smoothing way down the mountain. We won’t give up working up there until the weather changes again.

Last day of school!

Working so close to the big berm exit of Lord of the Squirrels was fun for the regular “WOOHOOS!” of stoked riders (Happy for the experience or happy that it was over?...) 

This was a great inspiration for my students about the gratification that can come from building trails. 

School’s out at the Chipmunk Rebellion but before we can all play, there’s still some assignments to dig. Arc'teryx is hosting a volunteer trail day on Saturday October 3rd. Please sign up to join!I can’t wait for those “WOOHOOS!” to continue down into the Chipmunk Rebellion!

Other business

It’s not all been rodent fun (Squirrels and Chipmunks) for the last few weeks: The crew has also performed wood feature upgrades on Kill me Thrill me and Get Over it. Wherever possible, we replaced the rotten woodwork with (longer lasting) rock. 

Because “Nothing beats rock!” -Bart Simpson 

In other news, the crew has posted signage where trails spit riders out onto streets. 

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder