Trails Update: Oct 1-5, 2018

[heading]Trails Update: Oct 1-5, 2018[/heading]

Because Safety! 

The trail crew was (mostly) off for the last 2 weeks. Benoit and Renee are traveling and I've been re-certifying the OFA level 3 (First aid). My head is so full of new and refreshed information that I hope to never need...  

Before tackling any task with the crew, I try to imagine the storytelling afterwards: If the word "sketchy" comes up, we change the plan. So far, that strategy has kept my real world first aid experience to band-aid application! ...except for that one time when Raph made a "sketchy" sandwich on “Lord of the Squirrels” ... 

Character building: 

Last week's snow put a damper on our Tuesday dig night: I suppose almost everyone went tobogganing. A handful of the most devoted and resilient diggers showed up, dressed for success. They first plowed, then carved the hillside above the road section of "Yummy Numby" making a surprising dent in Phase 2 of the project. I must admit: the digging was immensely satisfying after 7 days in the classroom!  

Shout out! 

Thanks to all who have donated to the “Cultured Climb” go-fund-me campaign and to Howler Contracting for the great new line! The trail was finished and officially opened at the September 25 trail night! 

Volunteer Digger Party! 

Our last dig night of the season is WEDNESDAY October 10th (because someone scheduled the WORCA municipal election all candidates meeting on Tuesday... I’ll be attending since I want to find out who will champion our trail network best!) 

The season-ender will be on the “Lower Sproatt descent” (5:30 at the top of Danimal North in Stonebridge) We'll be extending the singletrack to bypass more of that pesky road! Chromag Bikes and Coastal Culture will provide Burgers and Beers! 

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder