Trails Update: Oct 8-12, 2018

[heading]Trails Update: Oct 8-12, 2018[/heading]

 Thank you! 

We ran our last trail night of the season this week. Sadface. It wasn’t for lack of interest; the axial tilt of our planet has made daylight sparse.  

The Lower Sproatt armagedon (BC Hydro road re-opening) was at first a huge Bummer, then an inconvenience and finally an opportunity. We’ve been presented with a chance to make the trail better than ever. I tend to obsess over such a challenge and wanted to see if the community would also jump in: there have been 6 volunteer trail events this year on the dessert platter (Lower Sproatt). About 100 folks have chipped in to re-imagine one of the oldest bike routes in Whistler. We’ve replaced the road with 550 metres of bomb proof singletrack! There was certainly some difficult digging... I recall Pat knee-deep in a duff trench; but there were also some wins: Ken rocking-in a dozen or so behemoth rocks to pave the way or finding the two-scoops of sweet gold dirt neatly piled for us by the road construction crew. The biggest win has always been the smiles on riders' faces — surprised by a new section of trail.  

So, this week we threw some dirt and then threw a party! Chromag and Coastal Culture brought their crews, BBQs and brews. 30+ builders strong — digging and filling, raking and tamping, nailing and herding the 8 or 9 dogs that also came out to play.  

I am excited to continue adding to this great low elevation trail and look forward to building more new sections in the spring... 

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder