Trails Update: Sept 18, 2020

Legalize It delayed by smoke.

I love it when the headline writes itself! Given the air quality, we shortened the week for health reasons. That only postponed the rockwork planned to return Legalize it to its former “stiff janky black” technical rating.

“Not the crux move!” ~said the internet.

We raised the tread in the center chute back to its original level. 

Aficionados of gnar can still ride the left chute or huck the cliff on the right. 

There are still serious thrills further down as well, if you choose to ride the original line ON the rocky ridge. Personally: I love that line! It oozes creepy, tight, exposure. The evidence suggests that this is not the most popular choice since the moss is growing back.

Trail showcase: Delineator

With several ups and downs, this Boyd Mactavish creation is a true cross country trail. A technical blue trail that will keep you paying attention every “step” of the way, it can be ridden in either direction (I prefer heading south -towards Alpine). The trail meanders through some rare low-elevation (for Whistler) old growth trees that reward anyone keen to slow down enough to look up. The area is also known for big fungi when the fall rains arrive. Delineator makes a great -quick after work- ride as sunlight gets scarce. It pairs nicely with No View or Shit Happens South.  

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder