Trails Update: September 1st, 2023

It was my turn to take some time off last week: some friends of mine turned 50(!) so we spent a week on the island(s) riding our bikes on “new to us” trails. Venturing to less traveled areas we were rewarded with solitude on tight single track and plenty of wasp stings. Funny thing about ground wasps is that the first person to spot a nest usually gets away unharmed…  the birthday boy was stung a dozen times or so on Quadra, granting him first tracks for the rest of the trip. 

Meanwhile in Whistler: The crew continued with the Ikea bridge assembly program. Most of the action took place on Get Over It where more structures awaited replacement and/or repair. In one case replacing a few pieces of decking turned into a complete rebuild. Our pre-made parts and delivery system is working well: we try to get a structure completely replaced in a day so that we walk away leaving tire-ready projects. 

Later in the week, the carpentry action continued across Alta Lake Road as the crew tackled expired features in A River Runs Through It (North). We’ll be freshening up more cedar there next week in anticipation for the return of the Westside Wheelup on September 10!

See you on the trails!

Dan Raymond

WORCA Lead Trail Builder 

Nicole Koshure